Refractive Lens Exchange

The natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens that is designed to put the eye in focus.

Eyelid Revision Surgery

Who is suitable for eyelid revision surgery? Anyone who has undergone prior surgery or sustained eyelid trauma, who is unhappy with the outcome either aesthetically or because of symptoms related to poor lid position can be assessed. Your specialist will examine you and give possible treatment options that he feels would be beneficial. What does […]

Ectropion & Entropion Surgery

In some patients with severe recurrent infections or deterioration of vision from scarring of the surface of the eye due to lack of protection by the eyelid, surgical treatment is absolutely necessary.

Ptosis Surgery

What does the treatment involve? The treatment for ptosis is usually surgery. In determining whether surgery is advisable, the individual’s age, general health, severity of the ptosis and whether one or both eyelids are involved is considered. Measurement of the eyelid height, evaluation of the strength of the muscles that open and close the eyelids, […]

Muscle Relaxants / Botox Treatment

Mosman Eye Centre (MEC)

Muscle relaxants contain Clostridium Botulinum A, which is a natural, highly purified protein that is used to effectively and safely treat facial wrinkles.

Orbit Tumour Surgery

Who is suitable for Orbit Tumour surgery? There are benign growths of the orbit that often have characteristic appearances on imaging (CT or MRI scans), if the orbital tumour is thought to be benign, is not growing on serial scans and not causing any symptoms or visual disturbance then it may be reasonable just to […]

Orbital Implants

Mosman Eye Centre (MEC)

If there is an imbalance between the volume of the orbit and its contents this will affect the cosmesis and function of the orbit and eyelids. For example, trauma can cause loss of the fat cushioning behind the eyeball giving the eye and eyelids a sunken appearance. A blow to the eye socket, such as […]

Endoscopic DCR

Tearing is most commonly due to a blockage or narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct. The nasolacrimal duct tends to narrow with age, but this process is probably exacerbated by persistent infections and can occur earlier in life (see Tearing in Children). In order to cure tearing caused by nasolacrimal duct narrowing or obstruction a dacryocystorhinostomy […]

Revision Tear Duct Surgery

The tear drainage apparatus is a complex and delicately balanced system. Traditionally tear duct surgery has been performed through a skin incision on the sidewall of the nose. Your specialist will likely perform your revision surgery using an endoscope (telescope + camera) through the nose to gain direct access to the surgical zone. The endoscopic […]


Mosman Eye Centre (MEC)

An enucleation is the surgical procedure to remove an eye, the volume lost is then replaced by inserting an implant.